
Why Should You Attend the 2021 FITMA Expo

The 2021 FITMA International Technology and Manufacturing Expo will be the first Latin American machine tool and manufacturing show since March 2019. It will also be one of the first major industry events since the coronavirus pandemic caused the postponements and cancellations of prestigious events like the United States’ IMTS, Germany’s EuroBlech and Spain’s BIEMH.
#imts #fitma


After March 2019, no industrial show has been held in Mexico and FITMA will be the first to be able to open its doors in 2021 to give dynamism to the metalworking industry in Mexico and Latin America. Manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of machinery and technology are looking forward to this new industry show, which will be the most important in the entire Latin American region.

As we all know, the coronavirus has affected the realization of presential and massive events: industrial exhibitions, conferences, seminars, among many others. We have seen a succession of cancellations and postponements of events: from the renowned IMTS in Chicago, through the EuroBlech in Germany and the BIEMH in Spain. 

In-person attendance is essential in machine tool exhibitions because users want to see machines in operation, interact with the machines and speak with the product engineer and sales manager in the same place. These are events in which workshop owners, production engineers and manufacturing engineers examine new equipment or technology options for specific production cases. Additionally, industrial exhibitions facilitate networking between colleagues, competitors, suppliers and other interested people who help strengthen attendees’ professional networks. These contacts will often be useful for seeking out new employees, obtaining critical resources or expanding supply chains.

Seeing a machine in operation, on site, is essential for those who want to buy it. And, if the buyer is interested, he makes the negotiation face to face with the seller. Equipment testing and price negotiation are actions that require, basically, personal interaction. That is why machinery and technology exhibitions still exist.

Gardner Business Media’s Modern Machine Shop magazine has provided specialized business information for the metalworking sector for over 90 years. It has created an important audience in Mexico, generating a community that encompasses the automotive, aerospace, medical, electric/electronic, oil and gas industries, among others. In hosting the FITMA International Manufacturing and Technology Expo, Modern Machine Shop hopes to provide all members of this exciting sector a chance to see and purchase the machines or technology they need to improve their processes and increase the production of their companies within the competitive global market.


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