Peter Zelinski, Editor-in-Chief

Peter Zelinski is the founding editor of Additive Manufacturing magazine and Additive Manufacturing Media, which for over 10 years has reported on industrial 3D printing and its adoption by manufacturers. As the brand’s editor-in-chief, Pete is exploring the advance of 3D printing as a means of production, and the ways it is changing both part design and manufacturing enterprises. He has been a regular speaker at the Additive Manufacturing Conference, which is now the Formnext Forum, and he is co-creator and co-host of the video series on 3D printing for part production, The Cool Parts Show — a show that has been honored with a national award for Best Use of Video in niche media. He is a podcaster, appearing regularly with Additive Manufacturing Media colleagues in AM Radio, and he has also appeared in a sister podcast, Made in the USA. In 2020, he was co-host of the U.S. Air Force’s week-long event aimed at manufacturing for military readiness and sustainment, the Advanced Manufacturing Olympics. Pete also serves as editorial director of Modern Machine Shop, a sister publication focused on metalworking and CNC machining, and the magazine he has been part of for over 25 years. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati.

Herramientas de torneado

Avances en herramientas de corte para mecanizado CNC

Por: Peter Zelinski

Las herramientas de corte avanzan junto con las necesidades de los talleres. Aquí una visión a los nuevos desarrollos en refrigerante a través de la herramienta, herramientas para mayores velocidades de corte, cambio rápido de herramientas y herramientas de corte para el mecanizado desatendido.

Industria Aeroespacial

End mill de cerámica logra larga vida útil y una alta tasa de remoción de metal

Por: Peter Zelinski

Los avances de materiales han producido un end mill de cerámica (escariador) que funciona bien a velocidades de corte más bajas y compite con el carburo en una amplia gama de aplicaciones. Su taller podría comenzar a usar herramientas de cerámica.


Impresión 3D por EBM como herramienta colaborativa para el maquinado CNC

Editado por Ángela Andrea Castro

Sostener la pieza es un desafío del mecanizado para la manufactura aditiva. Un fabricante del sector médico imprime herramientas de fijación adaptadas a sus partes aditivas.