MOCAP, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Foreign Direct Investment increases 12 % in 2022

During 2022, Foreign Direct Investment was US$35.3 billion, of which 36% went to the manufacturing sector.


Secretary of Economy informed that the preliminary Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) figure for 2022 was 35.3 billion dollars, which represented an increase of 12% compared to 2021, when there was an investment of 31.5 billion dollars.

Las cinco entidades federativas con mayor IED registrada durante el 2022 fueron la Ciudad de México, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Baja California y Chihuahua.

The five Mexican states with the highest FDI registered during 2022 were Mexico City, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Baja California and Chihuahua.

Crédito: Government of Guanajuato.

The manufacturing sector accounted for 36 % of FDI, which received 36 % of total investment. Within this sector, the most important industries were automobile and truck manufacturing, electrical components manufacturing, auto parts manufacturing, manufacturing of equipment for energy generation and distribution, as well as the basic iron and steel industry.

The five Mexican states with the highest FDI registered during 2022 were: Mexico City with 10.92 billion dollars; Nuevo León with 4.39 billion dollars; Jalisco with 2.89 billion dollars; Baja California with 1.87 billion dollars and Chihuahua with 1.87 billion dollars.

It should be noted that the FDI registered between January and December 2022 came from:

  • 3,485 Mexican companies with foreign capital participation
  • 5,739 trust contracts
  • 24 foreign legal entities

Additionally, the Secretary of Economy informed that there is a Foreign Direct Investment record of 5.5 billion dollars, which correspond to transnational companies whose corporate group headquarters are located in Mexico but generate investment through their subsidiaries abroad.

Modern Machine Shop México
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Murata Machinery USA, Inc.
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Modern Machine shop México
Modern Machine shop México
MOCAP, S. de R.L. de C.V.